Results for 'Harald Atmanspacher Freiburg-Jack Martin'

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  1.  21
    Vi. reflections on process and persons.Harald Atmanspacher Freiburg-Jack Martin - 2004 - In Michel Weber, After Whitehead: Rescher on process metaphysics. Frankfurt: Ontos Verlag. pp. 161.
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  2. An authentic life for process thinking.Harald Atmanspacher & Jack Martin - unknown
    Jason Brown started his career as a neurologist specializing in language disorders, perceptive illusions, and impaired action. But beyond his activity as a physician he is a man of genuinely theoretical appetite. As satisfying as it is to help improve the situation of sick fellow humans, this alone does not characterize him well. Those who know him closer know his insistent urge to find a philosophical framework for his clinical practice and research, together with his desire for a more humane (...)
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  3. Quantum Approaches to Consciousness.Harald Atmanspacher - 2006 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    It is widely accepted that consciousness or, more generally, mental activity is in some way correlated to the behavior of the material brain. Since quantum theory is the most fundamental theory of matter that is currently available, it is a legitimate question to ask whether quantum theory can help us to understand consciousness. Several approaches answering this question affirmatively, proposed in recent decades, will be surveyed. It will be pointed out that they make different epistemological assumptions, refer to different neurophysiological (...)
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  4. Clarifications & specifications: In conversation with Harald Atmanspacher.Henry Stapp & H. Atmanspacher - 2006 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 13 (9):67-85.
  5.  8
    Die Vernunft der Metis: Theorie und Praxis einer integralen Wirklichkeit.Harald Atmanspacher - 1993 - Stuttgart: Metzler.
  6. 12 Springer.Harald Atmanspacher - 1099–1177
    Please find attached the final pdf file of your contribution, which can be viewed using the Acrobat Reader, version 3.0 or higher. We would kindly like to draw your attention to the fact that copyright law is also valid for electronic products. This means especially that.
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    Time, Temporality, Now: Experiencing Time and Concepts of Time in an Interdisciplinary Perspective.Harald Atmanspacher & Eva Ruhnau - 1997 - Springer.
    The essays in this topical volume inquire into one of the most fundamental issues of philosophy and the cognitive and natural sciences: the riddle of time. The central feature is the tension between the experience and the conceptualization of time, reflecting an apparently unavoidable antinomy of subjective first-person accounts and objective traditional science. Is time based in the physics of inanimate matter, or does it originate in the operation of our minds? Is it essential for the constitution of reality, or (...)
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    Dual-Aspect Monism and the Deep Structure of Meaning.Harald Atmanspacher & Dean Rickles - 2022 - New York, NY: Routledge. Edited by Dean Rickles.
    This book investigates the metaphysical position of dual-aspect monism, with particular emphasis on the concept of meaning as a fundamental feature of the fabric of reality.
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    Appreciating a Hiley Respected Colleague.Harald Atmanspacher - 2013 - Foundations of Physics 43 (4):412-414.
  10. Correlates of perceptive instabilities in event-related potentials.Harald Atmanspacher - manuscript
    The study of instabilities in perception has attracted much interest in recent decades. The presented investigations focus on electrophysiological correlates of orientation reversals of both ambiguous visual stimuli and alternating non-ambiguous stimuli, representing the two options of the ambiguous version. Based on a refined experimental setup, significant features in the event-related potentials associated with the perception of orientation reversal were found in both cases. Their occipital location, their early occurence (200–250 ms), and their latency difference (50 ms) offer interesting perspectives (...)
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  11. [Book Chapter] (in Press).Harald Atmanspacher & Hans Primas (eds.) - 2007 - Springer.
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  12. Contextual Emergence in the Description of Properties.Robert C. Bishop & Harald Atmanspacher - 2006 - Foundations of Physics 36 (12):1753-1777.
    The role of contingent contexts in formulating relations between properties of systems at different descriptive levels is addressed. Based on the distinction between necessary and sufficient conditions for interlevel relations, a comprehensive classification of such relations is proposed, providing a transparent conceptual framework for discussing particular versions of reduction, emergence, and supervenience. One of these versions, contextual emergence, is demonstrated using two physical examples: molecular structure and chirality, and thermal equilibrium and temperature. The concept of stability is emphasized as a (...)
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  13. Consciousness: A mathematical treatment of the global neuronal workspace model.Harald Atmanspacher - 2006 - Acta Biotheoretica 54 (2):157-160.
  14. Coincidentia Oppositorum An Interview with Jeffrey J. Kripal.Harald Atmanspacher - 2011 - Mind and Matter 9 (2):205-210.
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    Commentary on Chris NunnsArchetypes and memes'.Harald Atmanspacher - 1998 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 5 (3):355-361.
    The concept of archetypes has received a number of fundamentally different interpretations, and there are numerous additional philosophical concepts which can be characterized as modifications of those interpretations. Chris Nunn’s paper represents an approach to bringing a specific one among those concepts -- Richard Dawkins’ neo-Darwinistic conception of memes -- into contact with the notion of archetypes as it has been mainly popularized by Carl Gustav Jung. Nunn states rightly that Jung’s own understanding of and emphasis on archetypes changed considerably (...)
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  16. Observer-dependence of chaos under lorentz and rindler transformations.Harald Atmanspacher - manuscript
    The behavior of Lyapunov exponents λ and dynamical entropies h, whose positivity characterizes chaotic motion, under Lorentz and Rindler transformations is studied. Under Lorentz transformations, λ and h are changed, but their positivity is preserved..
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  17. Vi. reflections on process and persons.Harald Atmanspacher - manuscript
    This contribution reflects on Nicholas Rescher's discussion of “process and persons” in his book Process Metaphysics. Its main purposes are to offer conceptual commentary on some of Rescher's terms, and to suggest some options for process thinking more radical than Rescher's, partly motivated by recent developments in science and philosophy. First, a brief analysis of the relation between process and time is presented, emphasizing irreversibility and temporal holism as crucial for a processual worldview. Second, instability and transiency are introduced as (...)
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  18. Zusammenfassung.Harald Atmanspacher - manuscript
    ungster Zeit tritt allerdings im Selbstverst¨ andnis mancher Wissenschaftsbereiche die Rolle theoretischer Arbeit zunehmend zugunsten von anderen, zum Teil sachfremden Erw¨ agungen (wie etwa Aufmerksamkeit seitens von Medien und Wirtschaft) in den Hintergrund. Theoretische Arbeit wird in solchen F¨.
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  19.  91
    The Necker–Zeno Model for Bistable Perception.Harald Atmanspacher & Thomas Filk - 2013 - Topics in Cognitive Science 5 (4):800-817.
    A novel conceptual framework for theoretical psychology is presented and illustrated for the example of bistable perception. A basic formal feature of this framework is the non-commutativity of operations acting on mental states. A corresponding model for the bistable perception of ambiguous stimuli, the Necker–Zeno model, is sketched and some empirical evidence for it so far is described. It is discussed how a temporal non-locality of mental states, predicted by the model, can be understood and tested.
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  20. Dual-aspect monism à la Pauli and Jung.Harald Atmanspacher - 2012 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 19 (9-10):96–120.
    Dual-aspect monism and neutral monism offer interesting alternatives to mainstream positions concerning the mind-matter problem. Both assume a domain underlying the mind-matter distinction, but they also differ in definitive ways. In the twentieth century, variants of both positions have been advanced by a number of protagonists. One of these variants, the dual-aspect monism due toWolfgang Pauli and Carl Gustav Jung, will be described and commented on in detail. As a unique feature in the Pauli-Jung conception, the duality of mental and (...)
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  21.  60
    The Pauli–Jung Conjecture and Its Relatives: A Formally Augmented Outline.Harald Atmanspacher - 2020 - Open Philosophy 3 (1):527-549.
    The dual-aspect monist conjecture launched by Pauli and Jung in the mid-20th century will be couched in somewhat formal terms to characterize it more concisely than by verbal description alone. After some background material situating the Pauli–Jung conjecture among other conceptual approaches to the mind–matter problem, the main body of this paper outlines its general framework of a basic psychophysically neutral reality with its derivative mental and physical aspects and the nature of the correlations that connect these aspects. Some related (...)
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  22. Contextual Emergence of Mental States From Neurodynamics.Harald Atmanspacher - unknown
    The emergence of mental states from neural states by partitioning the neural phase space is analyzed in terms of symbolic dynamics. Well-defined mental states provide contexts inducing a criterion of structural stability for the neurodynamics that can be implemented by particular partitions. This leads to distinguished subshifts of finite type that are either cyclic or irreducible. Cyclic shifts correspond to asymptotically stable fixed points or limit tori whereas irreducible shifts are obtained from generating partitions of mixing hyperbolic systems. These stability (...)
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  23. Pauli's ideas on mind and matter in the context of contemporary of science.Harald Atmanspacher & Hans Primas - 2006 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 13 (3):5-50.
    Wolfgang Pauli (1900-1958) was one of the greatest physicists of the past century. He played a leading role in the development of modern physics and was known for his ruthless intellectual integrity. Pauli first became famed through the publication of his encyclopaedia article on the theory of relativity (Pauli, 1921) when he was still a student of Sommerfeld's. Einstein much admired this article, which remained a classic.
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  24. Extrinsic and intrinsic irreversibility in probabilistic dynamical laws.Harald Atmanspacher - manuscript
    Two distinct conceptions for the relation between reversible, time-reversal invariant laws of nature and the irreversible behavior of physical systems are outlined. The standard, extrinsic concept of irreversibility is based on the notion of an open system interacting with its environment. An alternative, intrinsic concept of irreversibility does not explicitly refer to any environment at all. Basic aspects of the two concepts are presented and compared with each other. The significance of the terms extrinsic and intrinsic is discussed.
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  25. Contextuality Revisited: Signaling May Differ From Communicating.Thomas Filk & Harald Atmanspacher - 2019 - In J. Acacio de Barros & Carlos Montemayor, Quanta and Mind: Essays on the Connection Between Quantum Mechanics and Consciousness. Springer Verlag.
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  26. Between Chance and Choice: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Determinism.Harald Atmanspacher & Robert Bishop (eds.) - 2002 - Thorverton UK: Imprint Academic.
    These and other questions emphasize the fact that chance and choice are two leading actors on stage whenever issues of determinism are under discussion. ...
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  27. Mind and matter as asymptotically disjoint, inequivalent representations with broken time-reversal symmetry.Harald Atmanspacher - manuscript
    body. While the latter areas are discussed mainly in fields such as the philosophy of mind, cognitive Many philosophical and scientific discussions of top-.
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  28.  98
    Determinism is ontic, determinability is epistemic.Harald Atmanspacher - 2002 - In Harald Atmanspacher & Robert Bishop, Between Chance and Choice: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Determinism. Thorverton UK: Imprint Academic. pp. 49--74.
    Philosophical discourse traditionally distinguishes between ontology and epistemology and generally enforces this distinction by keeping the two subject areas separated. However, the relationship between the two areas is of central importance to physics and philosophy of physics. For instance, many measurement-related problems force us to consider both our knowledge of the states and observables of a system and its states and observables independent of such knowledge. This applies to quantum systems in particular. This contribution presents an example showing the importance (...)
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  29.  31
    Complexity and meaning as a bridge across the cartesian cut.Harald Atmanspacher - 1994 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 1 (2):168-181.
    The relevance of the Cartesian cut as a conceptual tool to separate matter and mind in the tradition of a dualistic world view is addressed. Modern science has developed an increasing number of concepts requiring that such a cut be considered neither as a priori prescribed nor as impenetrable. Two important examples are the concepts of complexity and meaning. They are subjects of physics as the science of matter and cognitive science as the science of the mind, respectively. Their mutual (...)
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  30.  75
    Complementarity in Classical Dynamical Systems.Harald Atmanspacher - 2006 - Foundations of Physics 36 (2):291-306.
    The concept of complementarity, originally defined for non-commuting observables of quantum systems with states of non-vanishing dispersion, is extended to classical dynamical systems with a partitioned phase space. Interpreting partitions in terms of ensembles of epistemic states (symbols) with corresponding classical observables, it is shown that such observables are complementary to each other with respect to particular partitions unless those partitions are generating. This explains why symbolic descriptions based on an ad hoc partition of an underlying phase space description should (...)
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  31. Complexity and non-commutativity of learning operations on graphs.Harald Atmanspacher - manuscript
    We present results from numerical studies of supervised learning operations in recurrent networks considered as graphs, leading from a given set of input conditions to predetermined outputs. Graphs that have optimized their output for particular inputs with respect to predetermined outputs are asymptotically stable and can be characterized by attractors which form a representation space for an associative multiplicative structure of input operations. As the mapping from a series of inputs onto a series of such attractors generally depends on the (...)
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  32.  99
    Epistemic and ontic quantum realities.Harald Atmanspacher & Hans Primas - 2002
    Quantum theory has provoked intense discussions about its interpretation since its pioneer days. One of the few scientists who have been continuously engaged in this development from both physical and philosophical perspectives is Carl Friedrich von Weizsaecker. The questions he posed were and are inspiring for many, including the authors of this contribution. Weizsaecker developed Bohr's view of quantum theory as a theory of knowledge. We show that such an epistemic perspective can be consistently complemented by Einstein's ontically oriented position.
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  33. Quantum theory and consciousness: An overview with selected examples.Harald Atmanspacher - 2004 - Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society 1:51-73.
    It is widely accepted that consciousness or, in other words, mental activity is in some way correlated to the behavior of the brain or, in other words, material brain activity. Since quantum theory is the most fundamental theory of matter that is currently available, it is a legitimate question to ask whether quantum theory can help us to understand consciousness. Several approaches answering this question a?rmatively, proposed in recent decades, will be surveyed. It will be pointed out that they make (...)
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  34.  51
    What are the appropriate axioms of rationality for reasoning under uncertainty with resource-constrained systems?Harald Atmanspacher, Irina Basieva, Jerome R. Busemeyer, Andrei Y. Khrennikov, Emmanuel M. Pothos, Richard M. Shiffrin & Zheng Wang - 2020 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 43.
    When constrained by limited resources, how do we choose axioms of rationality? The target article relies on Bayesian reasoning that encounter serioustractabilityproblems. We propose another axiomatic foundation: quantum probability theory, which provides for less complex and more comprehensive descriptions. More generally, defining rationality in terms of axiomatic systems misses a key issue: rationality must be defined by humans facing vague information.
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  35.  68
    The aspect of information production in the process of observation.Harald Atmanspacher - 1989 - Foundations of Physics 19 (5):553-577.
    The physical process of observation is considered from a specific information theoretical viewpoint. Using the modified concept of an information based on infinite alternatives, a formalism is derived describing the elementary transfer of one bit of information. This bit of information is produced on a virtual (nonreal) sub-quantum level of physical description. The interpretation of the formalism yields the following, complementary points: (i) the effect of spatiotemporal delocalization on the sub-quantum level, and (ii) a possible access to the concept of (...)
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  36.  16
    Exceptional Experiences of Stable and Unstable Mental States, Understood from a Dual-Aspect Point of View.Harald Atmanspacher & Wolfgang Fach - 2019 - Philosophies 4 (1):7.
    Within a state-space approach endowed with a generalized potential function, mental states can be systematically characterized by their stability against perturbations. This approach yields three major classes of states: (1) asymptotically stable categorial states, (2) marginally stable non-categorial states and (3) unstable acategorial states. The particularly interesting case of states giving rise to exceptional experiences will be elucidated in detail. Their proper classification will be related to Metzinger’s account of self-model and world-model, and empirical support for this classification will be (...)
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  37.  84
    Horizontal and vertical determination of mental and neural states.Jens Harbecke & Harald Atmanspacher - 2012 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 32 (3):161-179.
    Mental and neural states are related to one another by vertical interlevel relations and by horizontal intralevel relations. For particular choices of such relations, problems arise if causal efficacy is ascribed to mental states. In a series of influential papers and books, Kim has presented his much discussed “supervenience argument,” which ultimately amounts to the dilemma that mental states either are causally inefficacious or they hold the threat of overdetermining neural states. Forced by this disjunction, Kim votes in favor of (...)
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  38. Contextual emergence from physics to cognitive neuroscience.Harald Atmanspacher - 2007 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 14 (1-2):18-36.
    The concept of contextual emergence has been proposed as a non-reductive, yet well- defined relation between different levels of description of physical and other systems. It is illustrated for the transition from statistical mechanics to thermodynamical properties such as temperature. Stability conditions are shown to be crucial for a rigorous implementation of contingent contexts that are required to understand temperature as an emergent property. Are such stability conditions meaningful for contextual emergence beyond physics as well? An affirmative example from cognitive (...)
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  39.  31
    Psychophysical neutrality and its descendants: a brief primer for dual-aspect monism.Harald Atmanspacher - 2024 - Synthese 203 (1):1-21.
    A key ingredient of the metaphysical doctrine of dual-aspect monism is a psychophysically neutral domain, of which mental and physical aspects arise as epistemic descendants that manifest themselves by decomposition. This primer first introduces some elementary notions to define the basic concepts needed to understand the approach, such as those of states, state spaces, observables, partitions and correlations. Using these notions, the concepts of decomposition and manifestation are explained, and a differentiated view of the mereological distinction of wholes and parts (...)
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    The many faces of panentheism: An editorial introduction.Harald Atmanspacher & Hartmut von Sass - 2017 - Zygon 52 (4):1029-1043.
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  41. Acategoriality as mental instability.Harald Atmanspacher - 2005 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 26 (3):181.
    Mental representations are based upon categories in which the state of a mental system is stable. Acategorial states, on the other hand, are distinguished by unstable behavior. A refined and compact terminology for the description of categorial and acategorial mental states and their stability properties is introduced within the framework of the theory of dynamical systems. The relevant concepts are illustrated by selected empirical observations in cognitive neuroscience. Alterations of the category of the first person singular and features of creative (...)
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  42. Problems of reproducibility in complex mind-matter systems.Harald Atmanspacher - 2003 - Journal of Scientific Exploration 17 (2):243-270.
    Systems exhibiting relationships between mental states and material states, briefly mind-matter systems, offer epistemological and methodological problems exceeding those of systems with mental states or material states alone. Some of these problems can be addressed by proceeding from standard firstorder approaches to more sophisticated second-order approaches. These can illuminate questions of reference and validity, and their ramifications for the topic of reproducibility. For various situations in complex systems it is shown that second-order approaches need to be employed. Considering mind-matter systems (...)
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  43. Weak Quantum Theory: Complementarity and Entanglement in Physics and Beyond. [REVIEW]Harald Atmanspacher - 2002 - Foundations of Physics 32 (3):379-406.
    The concepts of complementarity and entanglement are considered with respect to their significance in and beyond physics. A formally generalized, weak version of quantum theory, more general than ordinary quantum theory of physical systems, is outlined and tentatively applied to two examples.
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    Acategorial states in a representational theory of mental processes.Harald Atmanspacher - 2010 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 17 (5-6):5 - 6.
    We propose a distinction between precategorial, acategorial and categorial states within a scientifically oriented understanding of mental processes. This distinction can be specified by approaches developed in cognitive neuroscience and the analytical philosophy of mind. On the basis of a representational theory of mental processes, acategoriality refers to a form of knowledge that presumes fully developed categorial mental representations, yet refers to nonconceptual experiences in mental states beyond categorial states. It relies on a simultaneous experience of potential individual representations and (...)
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  45.  15
    Der Pauli-Jung-Dialog und seine Bedeutung für die moderne Wissenschaft.Harald Atmanspacher, Hans Primas & Eva Wertenschlag-Birkhäuser - 1995 - Springer.
    Der vorliegende Band enthält eine Sammlung von Beiträgen zum Problem der Wechselwirkung zwischen Geist und Materie, einem der zentralen Probleme europäischer Geistesgeschichte. Die Blickwinkel, die dabei eingenommen werden, sind vorrangig die der Physik und der Psychologie. Die Wechselwirkung dieser Gebiete wird so deutlich wie nie zuvor im Dialog zwischen zwei Forscherpersön lichkeiten dieses Jahrhunderts sichtbar: dem Physiker Wolfgang Pauli (1900- 1958) und dem Psychologen Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961). In zahlreichen Brie fen und Manuskripten Paulis, die erst in den letzten Jahren (...)
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  46. Mental states as macrostates emerging from brain electrical dynamics.Harald Atmanspacher - unknown
    Psychophysiological correlations form the basis for different medical and scientific disciplines, but the nature of this relation has not yet been fully understood. One conceptual option is to understand the mental as “emerging” from neural processes in the specific sense that psychology and physiology provide two different descriptions of the same system. Stating these descriptions in terms of coarser- and finer-grained system states macro- and microstates, the two descriptions may be equally adequate if the coarse-graining preserves the possibility to obtain (...)
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  47. Ontic and epistemic descriptions of chaotic systems.Harald Atmanspacher - manuscript
    Traditional philosophical discourse draws a distinction between ontology and epistemology and generally enforces this distinction by keeping the two subject areas separated and unrelated. In addition, the relationship between the two areas is of central importance to physics and philosophy of physics. For instance, all kinds of measurement-related problems force us to consider both our knowledge of the states and observables of a system (epistemic perspective) and its states and observables independent of such knowledge (ontic perspective). This applies to quantum (...)
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  48. Cartesian cut, Heisenberg cut, and the concept of complexity.Harald Atmanspacher - 1997 - World Futures 49 (3):333-355.
    (1997). Cartesian cut, Heisenberg cut, and the concept of complexity. World Futures: Vol. 49, The Quest for a Unified Theory of Information, pp. 333-355.
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    The hidden side of Wolfgang Pauli.Harald Atmanspacher & Hans Primas - unknown
    Wolfgang Pauli is well recognized as an outstanding theoretical physicist, famous for his formulation of the two-valuedness of the electron spin, for the exclusion principle, and for his prediction of the neutrino. Less well known is the fact that Pauli spent a lot of time in different avenues of human experience and scholarship, ranging over fields such as the history of ideas, philosophy, religion, alchemy, and Jung's psychology. Pauli's philosophical and particularly his psychological background is not overt in his scientific (...)
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  50.  8
    Inside Versus Outside: Endo- and Exo-Concepts of Observation and Knowledge in Physics, Philosophy and Cognitive Science.Harald Atmanspacher & Gerhard J. Dalenoort - 2012 - Springer.
    In our daily lives we conceive of our surroundings as an objectively given reality. The world is perceived through our senses, and ~hese provide us, so we believe, with a faithful image of the world. But occ~ipnally we are forced to realize that our senses deceive us, e. g., by illusions. For a while it was believed that the sensation of color is directly r~lated to the frequency of light waves, until E. Land (the inventor of the polaroid camera) showed (...)
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